Online Meetings and Forum available for you.

Spectrum Voices Conversation

Neurodivergent Autistic Conversations.

Every Sunday 6PM -7 PM  60 minutes Edinburgh 18.00 UST (GMT)

United States  Canada 1PM – 2PM  EST     or 10 AM – 12 PST


This is how we started as an association.

A small group regularly meeting to associate with other autistic people.


Our conversations by speech and text inspired us to create a larger association and invite you to join.

We meet to listen and talk. We also plan the revolution….

If you are wanting to make a change we are your comrades

Projects include …

Presentation at Ocalicon conference online

Autistic Radio day broadcast development


Every Sunday 7PM -8 PM  60 minutes UK time

You can listen in and get comfortable on the radio feed first! 

We have a wide range of communication styles nothing is unusual you are welcome. 
























Spectrum Voices Forum

Neuro-divergent minority engaging respectfully

with Progressive Autism Professionals, Educators and Researchers


Evolved from the Autism Network Scotland Forum. Our group represents over a decade of history and achievements in Autistic representation.

In 2021 it was repurposed by the autistic membership who now organise and give it its direction. We feel it represents an important step in evolutionary change. What was “Autistically led” has become “Autistically Authentic”.

Our members have co-operated for decades with Autism Professionals harmoniously.

When new Autism organisations appear we offer our experience to them. The autistic community is occasionally difficult to access. Professionals need more opportunity to get to know us as something other than passive clients.  Many people working in autism have no regular contact with autistic people. They can lose sight of us by accident.

We open the metaphorical door to create understanding. Its good to be part of progress towards empathy.  

Every Tuesday 10AM -11AM  60 minutes UK time







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