Hi Julian,

I would also suggest adding adult service providers and possibly employers and healthcare providers to your target audience list, as your experiences of setting up this group could provide some useful insight on inclusive practices to non-autistic providers wanting to work/engage with autistic employees/clients/patients etc.

Many thanks,


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We have some work to do and things to agree on.

Below I have extracted the necessary parts from the Ocalicon call for presentations on their website.

Remembering that I do not work on Wednesdays I think we have to just get on with it and forget the autistic need for perfection!

If our presentation gets rejected it is no big deal.

For me making a proposal in the very short amount of time we have been considering the idea, will be a success in itself.


Ocalicon 2022

Type of presentation- Lecture

Level – Intermediate

Main topic? see below

My Suggestion is Inclusive Practices as the main

and secondary topics of Peer Engagement, Community Engagement, Collaboration, Advocacy.

the list is below……

Session Topics

Select one primary topic area which best characterizes the overall session content. Select up to four additional secondary topics.

  • Academic Supports 

  • Accessibility 

  • Advocacy 
  • Assessment, Identification, and Diagnosis 

  • Assistive Technology 

  • Behavior 

  • Biology, Neurology, Physiology
  • Bullying

  • Capacity Building 

  • Collaboration 
  • Communication
  • Community Engagement XX

  • Comprehensive Programming
Continuity of Transitions 

  • Continuum of Service Delivery
  • Culturally Responsive Practices
  • Data Collection/Measurement 

  • Early Intervention/Early Childhood 

  • Employment/Vocational Training
  • Equity
  • Family Engagement and Supports
  • Federal and State Regulations
  • Gifted/Twice Exceptional
  • Higher Education Supports

  • Inclusive Practices XX
  • Independent Living, Housing, Transportation
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Interagency Collaboration
  • Language Development

  • Leadership

  • Least Restrictive Environment Continuum

Who is our presentation aimed at? I suggest the two with XX what is your feedback please.

Population Targets

Select all that apply. Preference will be given to those proposals that actively demonstrate application across a variety of population targets.

  • All Individuals XX
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) XX
  • Communication Disorder
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing
  • Deafblind
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Dyslexia
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Gifted/Twice Exceptional
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Disabilities
  • Other Health Impairments
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Visual Impairments

Who is our desired audience? I suggest those with XX what is your feedback please. Maybe guidance from Lynsey, Ewelina, Richard would help here?

Targeted Audiences

Select up to 10 targeted audiences for which your content is most focused, relevant, or beneficial.

  • Adult Service Providers
  • Building Team Leaders
  • Childcare Providers
  • Community Members XX
  • Curriculum Directors
  • District Leaders
  • Early Childhood Service Providers
  • Employers
  • Family Members
  • General Educators XX
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Higher Education Faculty
  • Individuals with Disabilities XX
  • Intervention Specialists/Special Educators
  • Mental and Behavioral Health Providers
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Physical Therapists
  • Policy Makers XX
  • Principals
  • Related Service Providers XX
  • School Leaders
  • School Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Special Education Directors
  • State Leaders
  • Superintendents
  • Transition Coordinators XX

High School up?

Targeted Ages

Select all that apply.

  • Infant/Toddler
  • Preschool
  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School XX
  • Postsecondary/Young Adult XX
  • Older Adults XX

Timetable for our application to present.

Julian Has put himself forward as Primary presenter With Harry as a single co presenter.

Julian Has already updated his Ocali Pass Account and submitted a Bio and CV.

Harry needs to do the same.

We have an hour on Tuesday at ten AM to help with Harrys Bio.

Tuesday Night Julian will submit the proposal and receive a proposal ID and Harry has until the closing date to add himself to the presentation see below.

How To Add a Co-Presenter

All co-presenters must individually create or update an OCALI Pass account and upload his/her short bio and resume/CV. These steps must be completed before a co-presenter can be added to a session.

1. After submitting a proposal, the primary presenter will receive an email message containing a Proposal ID number and directions for adding a co-presenter(s).

2. The primary presenter shares the session title and Proposal ID number with all co-presenters.

3. Co-presenters then log into their OCALI Pass account, and if their bios and CV/resumes are current, they are able to select “Add Yourself to a Proposal.”

4. Co-presenters enter Proposal ID number and submit.

5. Upon successful completion, a confirmation email is sent to both the primary and co-presenter.

Co-presenters SHOULD BE ADDED BEFORE the proposal deadline of Thursday, March 31, 2022.

Maurice Justin Harry

Please help with your ideas on the information below. Email me with thoughts any time before Tuesday evening. I dont need perfect finished ideas. Simple rough notes are great.

Tips To Make Your Proposal Stand Out

Let us know how you will engage the audience. Carefully select a session type as you consider your presentation style. Tell us how you will meet various learning styles, use materials, or ask questions. Highlight how the content will be presented in an engaging, interesting, and/or interactive manner.

Consider the challenges or successes you have experienced in your work and/or in implementing your material. Explain how these lessons can be applied more broadly to the work of others.

Help us understand what you know! Use examples, share research, or highlight a case study, illustration, or story. Show how each presenter demonstrates their experience and contributions. Elaborate on the situations or scenarios where the information has been previously applied and why you think it is relevant, timely, and important to share with others.

Be clear and captivating. Proofread your submission so that it is free from grammatical or spelling errors. Edit your work to focus on the main points while providing enough detail to fully convey the topic of the proposal, the approach used to present information, and the intended impact it will have on the audience.

Provide an additional voice or perspective with co-presenters such as adding a colleague with a different role, those with lived experience, the end-user of the training, someone in a similar role but from a different state or country, or anyone who might add dimension and additional insight.

Ensure all of your co-presenters have been added before the submission deadline. OCALICON uses an open review process, meaning that reviewers are provided with the names and bios for each presenter listed on a proposal. We believe that the experience and expertise of presenters influence the quality of the presentation. Adding all of the co-presenters prior to the review process provides reviewers with a better understanding of the collective profile of the presentation team.

  • Literacy
  • Long-Term Planning
  • Medical/Healthcare
  • Mental and Behavioral Health
  • Mentoring Programs

  • Model of Training

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Peer Engagement
  • Policy/Legislation
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
  • Preservice Course Development

  • Professional Development
  • Program Standards
  • Program Structures
  • School Climate

  • Self-Care
  • Sensory
  • Service Delivery Models

  • Social-Emotional/Social Cognition
  • Strategic Management

  • Student Development
  • Student-Focused Planning
  • Systems Integration

  • Technology Solutions
  • Transition and Adulthood
  • Trauma
Universal Design for Learning

  • University Program Models
  • Virtual Instruction

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

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